Lauren Rutledge

Lauren Rutledge is an administrator at Le Fashion Lab. She holds a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree in German and lived abroad in Vienna, Austria, where she taught English to primary school students. She is currently pursuing her Master’s Degree in Higher Education Administration from Georgia Southern University. Lauren has approximately 15 years of experience in education administration, primarily in the role of financial aid counselor and coordinator. After seeing the challenges students faced with the financial aid process, she founded her own company, Financial Aid Consulting, Ltd., with the goal of helping students and their families to maximize their financial aid and reduce stress during the application process. More information about the services she offers can be found at Because of the synergies with her own business, Lauren was happy to join the Le Fashion Lab team. She is passionate about assisting students in attaining their dream of higher education in a warm and welcoming environment that will not risk their financial futures.

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